Your CDEM membership allows you to be eligible for scholarship funds! CDEM will support a variety of training opportunities for all employees. In the past, we have supported outside training such as Michigan Natural Shoreline Partnership Certified Contractor Training and MACD-sponsored events like the Summer and Fall Conferences.
Scholarship recipients may be asked to share their training with other employees. This can include presenting at future MACD Conferences or other professional development training that CDEM hosts.
For those planning on applying: Please plan ahead if at all possible! You must be a member in good standing in order to apply and have adequate time for the committee to review all applications prior to the training date. Scholarship deadlines are as follows:
May 1st
August 1st
November 1st
January 1st
If one of these dates falls on a weekend, the application is due by the following business day.
Applications will be reviewed by the Scholarship Committee, then recommended to the full board for consideration/approval/denial at the monthly CDEM Board Meeting, which occurs on the second Wednesday of the month.
The average awarded scholarship amount ranges from $200 - $400 per applicant each cycle. Historically we will only fund registration costs and some travel expenses (gas, mileage, or lodging). We do not fund any staff time towards the opportunity. We expect this to be a local match from your District for you to attend the training.
Employees are welcome to apply at any time for training opportunities, including multiple times per year. Please note though, that it's highly likely for only one scholarship to be awarded to an employee each year. Those that have never applied for a scholarship will rank higher in funding odds.
If you have any questions, please contact the CDEM Board today! Currently, Renee Penny (Secretary), Renee Mallison (Treasurer), and Maddie O'Donnel (Region 1 Representative) sit on the Scholarship Committee.
Congratulations to Past Recipients!
Adam Brown, MAEAP Tech, Certified Crop Advisors Exam Fee
Renee Penny, Conservation Specialist, 2023 NACD Annual Convention
Grace Locke, Soil Erosion Tech, MACD Summer Conference
Adam Chandler, CTAI, MACD Summer Conference
Lori Fitzgibbons, Manager, MACD Summer Conference
Nadine Berthiaume, Manager, MACD Summer Conference
Katie Hafner, CTAI, MACD Summer Conference
Kelcie Sweeney, Manager, Outside Training
Jason Myers, Wildlife Risk Specialist, Outside Training
Nathanael Gentle, TA, MACD Fall Conference
Else Desjarlais, CISMA, MACD Fall Conference
Maureen Reed, Manager, MACD Fall Conference
Rod Denning, Forester, MACD Fall Conference
Rebekah Faivor, CTAI, MACD Fall Conference
Eric Bak, MAEAP, MACD Fall Conference