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​Benefits at a Glance:

  • Scholarships

    • Michigan Association of Conservation Districts (MACD) sponsored events like the Fall and Summer Conferences.

    • To attend an 'Outside' training that benefits your position.

  • Awards

    • Service awards for employee tenure, based on 5-year increments.

    • Service "bucks" to be used at the training of your choice.

  • Human Resource Consulting

    • ​We have a Human Resource Consultant on retainer. Membership includes a 15-minute consultation.

  • Training​

    • Be sure to check out the compiled list of training resources.​

Who's Eligible for CDEM Membership?

Any Conservation District employee in Michigan and those who support our mission.


Those interested should submit dues by December 31 annually. You can submit your dues at other times of the year, but will simply lose out on those months of membership benefits and will not be eligible for pro-rated dues. IE, if you pay your dues in June, you will only be able to receive benefits from June to September of that year. 


Newly hired employees can join anytime within 60 days of starting employment. 


You mentioned 'those that support our mission' can be members?

Yes, these are employees or partners that work closely with your District and are eligible to be an 'Associate Member'. They can be Board Members, NRCS staff persons, or a dedicated volunteer. Associate members are always welcome and are a valuable part of our conservation community. Associate dues are the same price as employee dues.

How much are CDEM dues?

Yearly dues are $35.00 are due by December 31 each year. You can also opt to become a Lifetime Member at $250.00. 


Dues benefits are aligned with the fiscal year, from October 1 to September 30 of each year. 

Membership is not transferable between employees or positions within districts. Membership is unique to each employee. 


Contact your regional representative or current membership chair, Renee Mallison (

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We'd love to hear from you!

Have a burning question about CDEM or is there a workshop you'd like to see us host? Let us know today! Email or directly contact the secretary, Renee Penny at

Copyright 2024   CDEM     All Rights Reserved

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