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Join us for the first annual Conservation Showcase!

Every Conservation District and employee is invited to participate in our first annual Conservation Showcase. We want to see your best photos of Conservation in Action. Show us everything from the behind-the-scenes work of labeling and stamping mass mailings, planting trees, tree sale adventures, or site visits with landowners. 

To participate simply follow the link below to submit your photos. On a weekly basis, we will update the photo gallery below with your photos. 


Questions can be directed to CDEM Secretary, Renee Penny (

2021 Photo Gallery

Stump Tales_KA CD

Wexford CD and Forestry assistance program forester Larry Czelusta, lead District Conservationists and neighboring District staff through a "Stump Tales" workshop. This discussed the importance of soil health and preventing erosion by the 100+ year old stump evidence left today. May 2021.

Ingham CD GM Pull 2021 - Michelle Belosk

Ingham CD, Mid MI CISMA Coordinator Alyssa Wethington and Ingham CD Exec Director Michelle Beloskur pulling garlic mustard at the Ingham CD's annual invasive species pull. May 2021

EFB Pull_MMCISMA_2021 - Michelle Belosku

Ingham CD, Mid MI CISMA Field Lead Samantha Strandmark posing with the day's European frogbit pull. June 2021

Blue Heron logo

Your conservation in action photo here!

staff gathering with farmers over hoop h

Lapeer CD, staff gathering with farmers over hoop house best practices.

Kent Conservation District haveing stude

Kent CD staff and middle school students plant trees on an RCPP EQIP farm - Plainsong Farm CSA in Rockford Michigan 2019.

Fresh Food From the Farm - Arlene Gibbs-

Lapeer CD, Fresh Food From the Farm - 2020 farm tour at Marsh Haven Farms for MAEAP credit Photo by: Arlene Gibbs

Rob MAEAP technician and staff Stacey di

Lapeer CD, 2020 farm tour at Marsh Haven Farms for MAEAP credit. Rob MAEAP technician and staff Stacey discussing hoop houses.

Rob MAEAP discussing raising pigs - Arle

Lapeer CD, Rob MAEAP technician discussing raising pork during a 2020 farm tour at March Haven Farms for MAEAP credit.

Bittersweet Action Day at Rockford Trail

Kent CD, invasive species action day to control oriental bittersweet vine with volunteers in Rockford Michigan Fall 2020.

Emily Lawson Bulten CTAI Engineer Survey

Emily Lawson, Kent CD, Engineers are preparing for survey work.

Preparing for the Tree Sale  - Jessie Sc

Kent CD, Preparing for tree sale!

Kent Conservation District Installing na

Kent CD, Students installing native plants along the Kent Conservation District retention basin.

Jessie Schulte kent CD District Manager

Jessie Schulte, Kent CD, Inspecting conservation cover at an EQIP site with CTAI Soil Conservationist.

Kalkaska CD, Larry C leading workshop

Kalkaska CD & Forestry Assistance Program Forester, Larry Czelusta, leads a Northern Hardwood Forest Management workshop in South Boardman. June 2021.

DSC_6337 - Adam Chandler

Oceana CD Board Chairman, Eric Herrygers installing a native pollinator wildflower planting using the district's Truax wildflower seed drill. Photo Credit: Joe Klimovitz, Oceana CD Board Member

DSC_5217 - Adam Chandler

Oceana CD, Conservation Technician Adam Chandler teaching youth about Michigan's owls during their annual Full Moon Owl Prowl event. Photo credit: Joe Klimovitz, Oceana CD Board Member

DSC_6090 - Adam Chandler

Oceana CD Executive Director, Suzie Knoll, hosting a Wildflower Walk event to educate the public about spring ephemeral wildflowers.

DSC_6142 - Adam Chandler

Oceana CD Executive Director, Suzie Knoll, hosting a Wildflower Walk event to educate the public about spring ephemeral wildflowers.

DSC_6739 - Adam Chandler

Oceana CD Conservation Technician, Adam Chandler loading scrap tires into a semi trailer with the assistance of local volunteers for their annual Scrap Tire Collection event. Photo credit: Joe Klimovitz, Oceana CD Board Member

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Your conservation in action photo here!

20210413_095739 - Lexie Kasper

Ottawa CD, A group of volunteers assisting with tree wrapping prior to their tree sale.

DSC_5850 - Adam Chandler

Oceana CD staff Rod Denning packing orders for our Annual Tree and Shrub Sale. Photo credit: Joe Klimovitz (Oceana CD Board Member)

DSC_5870 - Adam Chandler

Oceana CD staff Rebecca Miller packing orders for our Annual Tree and Shrub Sale. Photo credit: Joe Klimovitz (Oceana CD Board Member)

DSC_5853 - Adam Chandler

Oceana CD staff Kari Wilson packing orders for our Annual Tree and Shrub Sale. Photo credit: Joe Klimovitz (Oceana CD Board Member)

2018-10-11 science blast-CCD water1 - Me

Melissa Townsend, Clare CD, working with youth and educating them about trees, ground water and Gypsy Moths.

2018-10-11 science blast-CCD trees - Mel

Melissa Townsend, Clare CD, working with youth and educating them about trees, ground water and Gypsy Moths.

IMG_0634 - Lexie Kasper

Benjamin Jordan, Ottawa CD, recording information for tillage surveys on March 17th.


Renee Penny, Kalkaska CD, cleaning the spillway grates at Rugg Pond Natural Area.


Mark Randolph, Kalkaska CD, planting leftover trees on Township property. Approximitly 200 trees were planted that day.

Wethington_Ingham_2021 - Michelle Belosk

Mid-Mi CISMA Coordinator Alyssa Wethington from Ingham CD is leading a field survey.

2018-9-6 oak wilt-nia becker - Melissa T

Nia Becker (former FAP Forestry Clare Co) leading an Oak Wilt workshop.

Blue Heron logo

Your conservation in action photo here!

We'd love to hear from you!

Have a burning question about CDEM or is there a workshop you'd like to see us host? Let us know today! Email or directly contact the secretary, Renee Penny at

Copyright 2024   CDEM     All Rights Reserved

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